Cirrus Identity Solutions
The experienced Cirrus team will help you implement solutions to simplify and secure your identity and access management environment!

External Users, Sponsors & Guests
Great for applicants, alumni, parents, continuing ed, contractors and more!

InCommon & eduGAIN Services
Outsource integration and maintenance for federation services and applications!

Applications for Many Institutions
Users login with their institutional username and password!
An external identity that is branded to your institution!
Key Features - OrgBrandedID
A cloud hosted and managed Cirrus product that provides an email based username that is branded (color, logo, name) to an institution as a guest account.
The OrgBrandedID includes a user interface for self-service password creation and reset functions.
One username and password that can be configured to support access to multiple applications for users that don't have an institutional or external account.
A Cirrus cloud-hosted Identity Provider of Last Resort (IdPoLR).
Data Sheet - OrgBrandedID
OrgBrandedID Base Features
- Cirrus’ OrgBrandedID is a SAML compliant identity provider with a lightweight registration capability. Easily configurable to reflects the organization branding and credential policies
- To create an external identity, the end user provides a name, email address and any custom data required. The Registration process validates the email address and collects a password that meets the policies of the organization.
- Once registered, the identity can be used for accessing any Service Provider integrated with the Cirrus Authentication Proxy.
OrgBrandedID Complimentary Products
Products Used with theOrgBrandedID
- See the Authentication Proxy (Proxy Connector, Student Selector and Attribute Authority), Account Linking (IDVerify), Gateway, Invitation, and MFA products.
See more about Cirrus Cloud Hosted and Managed SaaS Solutions
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More Information
Challenges Solved
See the Cirrus solution for streamlining SSO for external users, sponsors and guests
Cirrus OrgBrandedID Documentation
Customer Success Use Cases
West Coast R1 Public University
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